COVID-19: is green alert level imminent?

For a few weeks now we have been seeing an improvement in the epidemic situation of COVID-19. We almost didn't dare to believe it, even if deep down we all want things to change once and for all and not just a bit. Well, for those who still had doubts, the health protocol, which has been lightened since 16 February, dissipated the doubt. Yes, the situation is improving!

As you may have noticed, the health protocol in companies was updated by the Ministry of Labour on the same day. This new version has been applicable since 16 February.

What are the main changes? You may ask.

Well, the modalities for the use of teleworking and the loosening of the rules regarding social moments and face-to-face meetings. You can now have your farewell party, in strict compliance with the barrier gestures, the measures for ventilation and disinfection of the premises and the rules of physical distance, of course.

As far as teleworking is concerned, I am not announcing anything new, it is only recommended since 2 February 2022. Companies set the rules for the use of telework in the context of internal social dialogue, ensuring that bonds are maintained within the work team and that the risks associated with the isolation of teleworking employees are prevented.

Vaccination pass :

Since 15 February 2022, to maintain the validity of the vaccination pass, the booster dose must be given within a maximum of 4 months after the last injection.

A thought for parents:

The health protocol is being reduced from level 3 to level 2 for the whole urban area after the winter holidays in each zone.

As a reminder, the health protocol for the 2021-2022 school year has four levels:

  • Level 1 (green level)
  • Level 2 (yellow level)
  • Level 3 (orange level)
  • Level 4 (red level)

Depending on the local evolution of the epidemic, the Ministry of Education may trigger the transition from one level to another at national or territorial level.

When can the masks come off?

From 28 February 2022, in enclosed areas subject to the vaccination pass, the wearing of masks will no longer be compulsory. Indoor masks will continue to be worn in transport and indoors in enclosed areas not subject to the vaccine pass.

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