Exploitant pharmaceutical site - Page 4

Pharmacovigilance local literature review: day zero

Marketing Authorisation Holders (MAHs) are required to monitor scientific and medical literature and to report individual cases of suspected adverse reactions for medicinal products, for which they hold a Marketing Authorisation i

Happy New Year 2023!

AxeRegel's team wishes you a wonderful year 2023!We wish you happiness, health and serenity. And more, we wish you a 2023 filled with opportunities, possibilities and, above all, personal well-being and professional dynamism.Make

Have a wonderful holiday season!

The end of the year is here!We would like to thank you for your interest and trust!Our team wishes you a wonderful festive season and remains at your disposal during this period.

i-SPOC - Registration deadline coming soon!

The continued availability of medicines is one of the most important priorities for EU authorities. Indeed, shortages or other problems with the availability of medicinal products create challenges for the medicine supply chain an